No Match for MS OneNote
If I had never used MS OneNote I would think this is an OK app and I would have not have understood what its purpose really is. I use OneNote all day at work, on my PC. I am married to OneNote and Excel to get my work done. But, I cant stand Windows, so I was excited to use this app at home on my Mac. It simply can NOT compare. So many features are missing, so many.
•Also, tables created in OneNote are locked (completely).
•Objects embedded via OneNote are locked, but can be opened, BUT if saved the changes arent saved (so thats pointless).
•Cannot hold Command nor Option when arrow-key-selecting text (massive time saver).
•Cannot drag an email from Mail into a note (you CAN in OneNote, which is one of the most important features that I use).
•Cannot put the Pages list on the right of the note.
•OneNote uses the Ribbon bar at the top, but the Outline version of that is barron - naked! So few controls, and theyre not labelled well.
•No visible way to make a reminder or create a task - thats important for following up on work.
•Right clicking on content is useless because the menu is empty (except for copy/paste)
•Links created in OneNote arent clickable.
•Text colour options limited to only 12.
•Adding attachments is a weak feature and doesnt work like the rest of the Mac OS experience. I just dragged a .rtfd into it and it crashed.
•The small Delete key does not delete characters to the right of the cursor. Instead it throws an error sound. Why would someone remove that ability? Thats standard stuff.
•Typically, when typing in any other Mac app, you can hold OPTION and press the LEFT or RIGHT arrive keys to jump entire words (cursor insertion). In Outline this jumps through the history (I think). Thats fine, however for some reason an entire paragraph of newly typed text was lost! I immediately checked OneNote on a nearby PC and found that it had no syncd the data.
The more I use this program the more hope is lost in it ever getting close to par. I wasted my money and I would gladly give the app back in exchange for my payment.
LanceDaoust about
Outline: Knowledge Organizer, v2.0